Our Saturday's usually begin with a big breakfast and perusing the "Busan Haps Magazine". It's basically like checking the local weekly paper for happenings about town. The magazine comes out 6 times a year, but the online content is updated frequently. Saturday morning I came across "Moon-tan Road Walk". The site with more information was clearly translated from Korean into English but piqued my interest with things like,
"In the Haeundae district to publicize the Moon Tan road, we celebrate events of walking on Moon Tan road meditation experience and events of together." Sounds delightful right?
I was surprised first off by the fact that our small group were the only western people there. I realize I should not be surprised by things like this any more, but I am. |
View from part of the walk. |
After a more urban beginning to the hike, we came upon a more wooded hiking trail. |
After hiking for maybe 30 minutes we arrived in an amphitheater and were given these excellent seat cushions to sit on. |
We never figured out why many of the people had these yellow vests on. |
These kids performed a rad dance routine. And then they did the exact same dance routine again. ??? Each time the song began with, "Are you ready to get F*d up?". Whoa. |
We were then taught a dance. |
And then proceeded to play some team building games. |
The festivities ended with a saxophone and violin duo with pre-recorded backups. |
I was expecting a reflective, meditative walk, on the evening's theme, "family". As is usually the case here, I was pleasantly surprised by what actually took place.
Oh my goodness. I LOVE everything about this post - and pretty much every other post I just read. You two are the cutest people ever and your stories are so fantastic!